de Cristina Simincianu Crăciunul este magic atunci cînd îl petreci alături de cei mai importanti oameni din viața ta: familia ta, prietenii si apropiații tăi! inconjurată de iubire, plina de iertare, apreciere, liniste sufletească, bucurie, veselie, ceva bucate alese si o multime de voie bună! Cel mai frumos cadou pe care il poti oferi este intreaga ta atentie, prezenta ta ! Crăciun fericit! despre Cristina SimincianuPasionata de dezvoltare personala si spiritualitate, Cristina se adreseaza exclusiv femeilor si faciliteaza seminarii dedicate explorarii feminitatii autentice, constiente, prin o serie de exercitii de constientizare a energiei propriii si meditatie.
by Cristina Simincianu This year I am in the mood for Christmas since October! Yes, you heard me: October! You are gonna say: "Whaaaaat?" YES! I hear you! Let me fill in the blanks for you! I am gonna share a bit of my personal history here. My birthday is on 30 October. And this year for my birthday I wished for a weekend in Paris with my sister, a city-break together to visit. explore and enjoy the city of light. It was a special birthday: I turned 40 and I wanted a special celebration in Paris . Well, my birthday wish did not come through, let's just stay the stars did not align for that special sister time bonding and fun just yet! But something really magic happened! My sister and I went out for a dinner celebration instead. And no!, it was not a really fancy place or an extravagant dinner. We did not exaggerate on wine or food. There was no birthday cake whatsoever, no sweets at all! But there was sweetness in the air, And what my heart was aching for, craving for, longing for simply disappeared! Magic appeared instead ! And love. I was simply "showered" in love", in a way I do not have words to describe. I cannot describe the love I got from my sister, but I can tell you love was floating in the air. And it all happened maybe in an hour and a half over a few bites of various cheese and a couple of drinks (wine and campari). Before that dinner I was missing my sister. I was looking forward to Paris and spending some quality time together and I know she did not see Paris yet, so it was the perfect opportunity, in my head!, to combine the two. But, instead of 3 days in an expensive hotel to experience deep love and affection I got it all in an hour and a half right here, at home, in Bucharest.. Now , you may say: this is no big deal! And to that I gotta say my sister and I don't go out that much together, don't do so many stuff together, we are somehow way too different and we go, each, our separate ways! We rarely meet to talk and have some fun. It's like we live in two different worlds. Don't get me wrong, we don't fight or argue, but we simply do not do so much stuff together. So, I was missing that deep connection and I was hoping to create it in Paris, somehow. But, hey! , when you really have a powerful intention things just align and happen as you intended, you just have to be clear what you want. She did not say so much, she did not say "I love you sis!" like you see in the movies, did not happen. We ate cheese, but it was not cheesy! She did not state that affirmation "I love you!". The words were not spoken. But you know what? Love was floating in the air! Love was present in the air, it had such a strong perfume! It was not that romantic love, that has drops of jealousy in it at times , it was sisters love! The love present in the air had such a strong fragrance and its fragrance was not intoxicating me sick, rather it was filling up my heart! And no city break could have done that for me! No Paris trip was needed for me to spend time and recuperate lost time with her. No, it happen in an instant without words! And ever since she continues to shower me with love, she is surprising me continuously, keeps on to surprise me! I feel the deep love even though we don't go out every night clubbing or other stuff. Why am I telling you this little story? You do not need expensive hotel and expensive trips to feel love. You don't need to travel to some part of the world to experience love, you don't need expensive gifts (those are nice); you just need to be open to receive and give love , exactly where you are right now in your life, as you are . If you got so far, you are probably wondering "what's got that to do with Christmas"? Let me answer that for you: for me Christmas, and all this holiday season coming up is about love and quality time with those you love in your life. For me the celebration starts a bit earlier , all the parties start earlier and keep going because immediately after my birthday there is another huge family celebration : Saint Michael and Gabriel (Sfantii Mihail si Gavril), my sister is Gabriela and my father Mihai. And then some of my best friends birthday come up and I really don't know when we are already in December. That is my personal experience. And for me family is extremely important. And Christmas is about spending more time with your family. And if you are spending that time shouldn't that time be enjoyable? Fun , relaxing, filled with laughter and joy? But sometimes it does not happen this way for several reasons. Sometimes our dear ones are the toughest critics we have. And we don't hear the love and care behind their words, or we simply do not get their world, as they see it and we feel offended easily. And sometimes our dear ones don't get our world and try to fix us even if we are not broken. And then we get disconnected, we stop talking to each other, we feel upset at times, and even angry. And with that state of mind, there is no way to enjoy a wonderful Christmas together. So I shared my story a bit to invite you to look closer, to invite you to have a closer look to all the relationships in your life. Are you experience love and power in relation with you loved ones? Or you are hiding and pretending to be somebody else to please? Do you want to fully experience love? Are you willing to be love, no matter what shows up in your face, no matter what they said or did? Do you want to embody and express fully love? I believe that: The magic of Christmas consists in love ! And love dust. Christmas is not - and should not be- about expensive gifts you get! Christmas is about the love you give and receive! What is the connection between my birthday wish for an expensive trip with my sister and Christmas? Well, in case you missed the point, I'll spell it out for you: Christmas is not about expensive gifts, the gifts you receive and give as we are sold by the media. It's about the love you give and receive. Christmas , in my opinion, is and should be for everyone, about feeling love in each bone of your body, in each cell, breath in love, breath out love. And if you really want to experience that love in your life, and you do not feel it just yet, here are some places to look at, some things to consider, just think about it:
How about having a different Christmas this year? How about being a different you? How about being unshakeable in front of criticism and being at peace with all that is, just the way it is your life right now? How about shining bright regardless of what family pressures you to be and achieve? How about being irresistible for Christmas, New Years Eve and the year that is about to start? If you said yes! to the questions above, then you should know I am hosting a women circle next week, on Saturday , 14th of December when I will answer all that and offer some solution, offer you a set of unique tools so you can be irresistible for Christmas, and more, feel love and peace just where you are right now in your life. For a bit more on this event you can read more on the Facebook event link, do click join and share if you like it and feel drawn to participate alone or with a friend: Or if you already are interested to join our circle you can complete the form with personal information bellow: In case you want to register without asking for more information you can do that here : SEMINAR DE O ZI About Cristina SimincianuCristina Simincianu graduated Psychology and Sociology in Bucharest and she is passionate about self development and spirituality. She discovered Rachael Jayne Groover in a tough period of her life, back in 2012, and followed her work closely for 2 years until she decided to become a certified teacher in this method . In 2014 travelled to The Netherlands where she went through a certification program and now is a Level 1 Art Of Feminine Presence Teacher, established in her home town Bucharest, Romania. where she is leading seminar and workshops dedicated to empowering women to succeed in their life, regardless of their nature of interest- professional or personal level. |
Eu sint Cristina