Puternica, Magnetica si Irezistibila/Powerful, Magnetic and Irresistible
4 Iulie 2020
seminar de 1 zi /1 day Seminar
created and dedicated for WOMEN only!
Venim in aceasta lume fiinte pline de lumina. Pe masura ce avansam prin viata ne stingem lumina interioara . Pentru a placea celor din jur, pentru a fi acceptate, pentru a fi iubite. Ne deconectam de sursa noastra adevarata si uitam ca avem o scinteie divina in interior. Uitam cine suntem si adevarata noastra natura. Mai mult decit atit de deconectam de feminitatea noastra, pierdem contactul cu esenta noastra feminina in dorinta de egalitate de sanse, in dorinta de a atinge succesul -asa cum este vazut el din exterior, succesul definit de societate- uitam ca avem puterea de a crea viata pe care o dorim fara a a sacrifica adevarata noastra natura. In aceasta zi dedicata tie, si in mod special feminitatii tale , ne vom intoarce privirea in interior, vom reveni acasa, in corpul nostru, ne vom reconecta cu esenta noastra feminina. O femeie conectata cu esenta ei feminina emana o prezenta si magnetism personal puternic, energia ei umple fiecare incapere in care intra. Pe masura ce devii mai atenta la nevoile tale si mai conectacta cu tine, la nivel profund, devii magnetica si irezistibila. Ai puterea sa iti creezi calea ta si sa iti definesti singura succesul . Tu creezi cum va arata lumea ta, fara a iti cere scuze si fara a iti stinge lumina interioara. Lasi lumina interioara sa straluceasca puternic in exterior!
Citeva dintre cele mai importante teme pe care le vom aborda:
---> cum sa fii de nedezdruncinat, de neclintiti in a exprima cine esti tu si unde te afli acum in viata ta, fara scuze;
---> te conectezi cu corpul tau la nivel profund;
--- > ramai centrata in feminitatea ta constienta de puterea ta, prezenta in fiecare clipa;
--- > cum sa dobandesti pacea, sa accesezi linsitea interioara care iti permite sa fii impacata cu tine indiferent de circumstantele exterioare;
--- > cum sa exprimi senzualitatea, sexualitatea si feminitatea fara a te mai diminua, fara frici sau rezerve;
--- > iti vei explora esenta feminina altfel decit ai facut-o pina in acest moment;
--- > iti vei extinde prezenta magnetica devenind pur si simplu irezistibila!
We come into this world pure beings of light, but as we advance through life we dim our light. To please, to be accepted. To be loved. We disconnect from our true source and we forget there is a divine spark within. We disconnect from our true source and we forget that we have a divine spark within. We forget who we are and our true nature. More than that we disconnect from our own femininity, we lose contact with our own feminine essence. As we strive for more success as society defines it, we distance ourselves from our gifts and we forget we have the power to create our world by create our own way, our own formula to succeed in life.
In this day dedicated to you and especially to your femininity we will turn our eyes within, we will come back home, in our bodies, we will reconnect with our feminine essence. A woman connected with her own feminine essence expresses a powerful presence, a strong personal magnetism, her energy fills up every room she enters without any effort. As you become more attentive to your own personal needs, deeply connected with your true self, deeply aware of your unique feminine nature, as you dare to express clearly your truth, you become magnetic and irresistible. You have the power to create your own path towards success, to define what success means to you and lead others to achieve success. You create your world, unapologetic, unshakeable, fierce and feminine. You turn on the light within and let it shine brighter than ever!
Here are a few key themes we will focus our attention on:
---> start being unshakeable and unapologetic about who and where you are in your life right now;
---> connecting with your body on a deeper level;
---> staying in your feminine power center fully aware and awake in the present moment;
---> being at peace with what you have and where you are right now in your life;
---> expressing your femininity ,sensuality and joy without any fears or reservations,
---> exploring your feminine essence; ---> expand your magnetic presence.
Please keep in mind that due to popular demand this event might be held in English, you can participate if you have a good English skills and understanding.
The Seminar will be held in English, for English speakers only, there will be no translation into Romanian language. The one day event starts at 10.00 and finishes at 19.00, with a lunch break, and short 2 breaks before lunch and after. The next seminar will take place on 4th of JULY
(complete details will be sent out to you once you register by paying a part of the participation fee)
Seminarul se desfasoara pe durata unei zile. Vom incepe la ora 10.00 a.m si vom termina la ora 19.00, cu o pauza de masa la ora prinzului, respectiv pauze mai scurte inainte, si dupa pauza acordata mesei de prinz. La cerere acest seminar se va desfasura in limba engleza, fara a fi tradus. Oricine poate participa cu conditia sa vorbeasca si sa inteleaga limba engleza. Datele urmatoarelui seminari de o zi sint urmatoarele: 4 IULIE 2020
4 IULIE 2020
SATURDAY from 10.00 to 19.00
4 IULIE 2020
Investitia ta: 777 ron.
Pentru a iti rezerva locul este necesar sa achiti 400 de lei pina la data de 1 IUNIEdiferenta se completeaza ulterior , inainte cu o saptamina pina la data inceperii cursului inscrierea trebuie completata . Pentru plati anticipate pina la data de 15 martie primesti o reducere de 222 lei. Platesti doar : 555 lei
To secure your spot you need to pay the 400 lei, the difference is required to be completed 1 week before the seminar starts.amount until WednesdayPentru rezervarea locului in curs este necesar achitarea unui avans de 400ron, diferenta se completeaza ulterior pina la data cursului
The payment shall be done paying in full before Wednesday 10th of JUNE!In case you decide to bring a friend along you also need to communicate her name as well.The payment will be done by transfer: RO92 RZBR 0000 0600 1857 4237 Beneficiar Strict FeminYIN S.R.L.-D C.U.I. 35995552 Nr. Inregistrare Registru Comertului: J40/5950/21.04.2016
Be a friend ! Bring a friend! The price is dividided by 2!
The payment shall be done paying in full before Wednesday 10th of JUNE!In case you decide to bring a friend along you also need to communicate her name as well.
When you make the payment you need to specify the date of the event you are coming and you if you care to bring a friend along her full name and contact information. The organiser reserves the right to change or refuse participants when the number of seats is fully booked. In case some event is cancelled for various reasons that are not controlled by the organiser , nor determined by his fault or will, any amount of money already paid will be redirected to another event or fully returned to any participants.
In momentul in care efectuati trasferul bancar pentru a va inscrie precizati data seminarului la care doriti sa participati. Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a efectua modificari referitoare la program, va rugam sa lasati date complete si corecte pentru va fi confirmata participarea si pentru a primi notificari referitoare la orice fel de schimbari. In cazul in care un seminar este suspendat fara vointa organizatorului, din motive independente de vointa sa, orice suma achitata poate fi redirectionata spre un alt seminar sau returnata integral.
More details about the method Art Of Feminine Presence:
"ART OF FEMININE PRESENCE"" is a unique method created by Rachael Jayne Groover, author of the bestseller ""Powerful and Feminine "and "Divine Breadcrumbs", a method that consists in 44 unique practices that include:
* Physical movements that cultivate feminine energy.
* Body awareness practices that help women be at home in their bodies- no matter what stress is occurring around them or within them.
*Energetic practices that spark an instant expansion of our femininity, sensuality ans sexuality.
More about your host:
Cristina Simincianu graduated Psychology and Sociology in Bucharest and she is passionate about self development and spirituality. She discovered Rachael Jayne Groover in a tough period of her life, back in 2012, and followed her work closely for 2 years until she decided to become a certified teacher in this method . In 2014 travelled to The Netherlands where she went through a certification program and now is a Level 1 Art Of Feminine Presence Teacher, established in her home town Bucharest, Romania. where she is leading seminar and workshops dedicated to empowering women to succeed in their life, regardless of their nature of interest- professional or personal level.
What is special about this seminar:
1. Is dedicated entirely to you beautiful woman! 2. You can bring a friend if you want to share this experience. All you have to do is to announce the name of your friend in time, her participation is Included in your ticket. Be a friend , bring a friend! 3. This is intended to be small circle of women willing to support ,empower and inspire each other. In order to keep it closed, intimate and a cozy gathering we are going to keep a limited number of seats available for a short period of time! If it resonates with you , you feel called to participate please find bellow the steps for registration.
Locul desfasurarii seminarului
va fi anuntat particpantelor inscrise prin email inainte de data desfasurarii evenimentului.